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In my ongoing documentary series, 'The Uniformed States of America,' I explore the commodification of military surplus garments in stores across the United States. These garments, once tools of warfare, have evolved into components of consumer culture, embodying a complex narrative of national identity and nostalgia deeply rooted in war. As viewers engage with the imagery of surplus stores, they are invited to consider how the act of purchasing and wearing military surplus garments serves as a form of self-expression or solidarity with certain ideologies, further entrenching the intricate relationship between consumerism, patriotism, and the cultural memory of America's conflicts.


In these spaces, I capture not only the physical artifacts but also America's enduring fascination with warfare, which profoundly influences our collective consciousness. 'The Uniformed States of America' aims to shed light on the social, economic, and ideological dimensions shaping individuals' and communities' interactions with these repurposed military materials. Within surplus stores, these items become more than just clothing; they are symbols laden with historical and contemporary significance, inviting reflection on the nuances of patriotism, valorization of violence, and the pervasive influence of military culture and how it shapes our society. The series prompts viewers to question the underlying messages and ideologies associated with military surplus materials by documenting the narratives perpetuated within surplus stores. Through this lens, surplus stores emerge as channels for expressing and reinforcing cultural narratives, offering a poignant reflection of our collective fascination with the remnants of war and the enduring impact of military culture and violence on contemporary life.

© Copyright Matthew Troyer Photography 2024
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